Minggu, 28 Oktober 2012

What's next?

Last Tuesday, Oct 23rd. the result of english test has been announced, and surprisingly I made it!! O My God! I was really surprised, yet happy! because actually I was a bit hopeless with the test, you know, yes, I have tried my best, preparing for the test, but since I didn't have much time for this, so I was still confused and not sure with my proficiency.. but, still, I don't wanna lose hope!
And this is it.. I am preparing for my final test, the test will be held from 5-9 November 2012, and it will consist of psychological test, IT and interview!! O my God! I am so nervous!! but fortunately, I have had some psychological test books, and a computer book as preparation for this stage.. And about interview section?  hmmm... still have no idea, but hopefully, I would be given questions that I can answer, and I wouldn't do stupid things! this is really important for me...
Okay, I think it's enough for today, i'll catch you later...
have a nice week-end everybody :)

Kamis, 11 Oktober 2012


So, the first test result has been announced last Tuesday (Oct 9th) and Alhamdulillah, I pass this test, and will be facing the next test, Language test, and yes, my choice is English ( I chose English because I have no confidence to take French as my language, because I think it's gonna be harder to compete with contestants who graduated from French Literature, since they learn it intensively for 4 years).. 
the test will be held at LIA Pramuka, this Sunday. oh my God!! I am so nervous, moreover, I only have a little time to prepare this! fortunately, I've brought my TOEFL Books from home, so I don't need to buy it again..
And, here we go! Bismillah.. as I told lately on my Facebook status "more effort, less expectation" let's do our best! :)

Minggu, 30 September 2012

the test

So, the test is already over.. well, I think I am too late to post it here, since the first test was held almost a month ago! yes, September 1st, and now, it's already September 30th.. I was kinda busy recently, moreover, my laptop was hit by virus and malware so I was not able to go on line and up date some stuffs here.. So, here's a bit update about the test :
The test was divided into two parts, the first one, named "Tes Kemampuan Dasar" this test is designed to measure our knowledge about governance, math, and basic communication skill, for me, this part is not that difficult *( no, I am not bragging about how smart I am! :D but for sure, this test is easy to do, provided that you've read UUD 45 before, and if you're getting use to using basic math in daily life), here are some example of the questions of Tes Kemampuan Dasar : 
1. Pasal berapa dalam UUD 45 yang membahas tugas MK?
2. Pasal berapa dalam UUD 45 yang membahas tentang membela negara?
3. jika A mampu menyelesaikan soal selama 90 menit, si B menyelesaikan soal selama 60 menit, dan si C mampu menyelesaikan soal selama 45 menit, berapa menit waktu yang mereka butuhkan jika mereka mengerjakannya bersama-sama?
oh for your information, this test type is multiple choice.. and unfortunately, I forgot how many questions provided in that test (-_-") but I guess it's about 200 questions, and it takes about 2 hours *(if am not mistaken)

The second part of the test, was held after lunch break *(and we got free lunch there.. ayeee!! :D ), this test is designed to measure our knowledge about international issues, and our capability to analyze some cases, not only in bahasa Indonesia, but also in English! yes! this test consists of multiple choice, short essay, and long essay, long essay consists of 2 parts, the first part is written in Bahasa Indonesia *( 6 questions, but for S1, we only had to choose 3 of them), and the second part is written in English *(it consists of 6 questions, and for S1, we only had to choose 3 of them as well). This test is really hard for me, especially the essay part, first, I am not getting use to write in English, and secondly, my hand was way too fatigue to write, arrghh!!  you know, we had to make 6 long essays, only in 3 hours, hoaaahh!! what a cruel!! (T,T) 
Okay, here are some example of the questions :
1. Siapa nama ketua ASEAN dan dari negara mana?
2. Diantara negara-negara di bawah ini, negara mana yang tidak berbatasan dengan Indonesia?
3. Apa tema keketuaan Indonesia di ASEAN *(I forgot the year)
I think that's all folks.. let's hope for the best! hopefully everything will be alright, and have a nice week-end :)

Minggu, 22 Juli 2012

Am I Ready for this?

Kemlu- previously known as Deplu- has started its opening recruitment for this year, and I am so excited knowing this news! it feels like, I am one step closer to my dream.. even though there is no guarantee that I'll be accepted, but dunno why I am just happy, and as I told you before.. capital EXCITED!! But, there is something bugging in my mind, am I ready for this competition? how good I am for this? do I deserve it?
First of all, I forgot almost everything that I've learn during my presence on campus, like theories, approaches, concepts, and stuff. Well, actually, I still have some time to refresh it, and I hope it won't be too late! amin!
Secondly, I don't even keep my self up to date with international issues nowadays! well, I know that there is a massacre in Syria,  Muslim Rohingya Persecution in Myanmar, Eurozone crisis, Bombing in Bulgaria, etc, but, that's it.. I don't know specific information about this *(I usually use "5 W + 1 H" question to measure how depth my knowledge about something, if I could answer 5 question, it means I have sufficient information and knowledge, and unfortunately I only can answer 2 out of 6 questions for each issue that I've said above)
and last but not least , My English and French language skill are not as good as it used to.. huhuhu.. I really hope that I have time to refresh my English and French, because as far as I know, that there will be an essay and interview test in english or french *(depends on our choice) 
Okay.. enough worrying about those things! time to get prepare! let's do our best! Ora et Labora! let's do our best and let God do the rest :) 

Kamis, 19 Juli 2012

Let Me Break It Down to You

diplomat (dip¦lo|mat)

Pronunciation: /ˈdɪpləmat/


  • an official representing a country abroad.
  • a person who can deal with others in a sensitive and tactful way.
 That's my dream.. that's my destination for now.. let's get prepared!! :)

Minggu, 24 Juni 2012

December to June

Time flies so fast, the last time I posted here was December 2011, and it's already June 2012, and surely there are so many things happen in my life, I have been through my hardest time, my grandma has passed away at May 1st 2012, and a week after, I was accepted as local staff for Indonesian Embassy in Quito Ecuador, but since I was still in grief of being left by my very beloved grandma I decided not to take this chance, the precious one.. :'( So sorry, but it's going to be hard for me, facing my hardest time in other country, away from my family. I need their support,and fortunately they support me to date,and respect my decision not to go to Quito, while waiting for new recruitment at Kemlu.

Dear Dad, and Mom, and my brothers and sister, thank you for being here, and giving me such a great support, you know, I have promised to my self that I won't let you all down again because of me, I will show you all that I will make it! chasing my dream, and make you all proud of me..

Dear beloved late grandma, I know that you're in the most beautiful place near God's throne, now.It's time for me to prove my love to you, I will always pray for your happiness there, I know that you deserve the best. You are a very nice person, full of love and you've taken care of people during your lifetime,, I love you so much, and miss you.. 

Now, it's time for me to re-prepare everything, my English language, my French and Spanish language, I also need to keep update with current issues, either local or international, and also improve my computer skill, and last but not least, I have to pray harder to God :)

Kamis, 15 Desember 2011

Still wanna be a diplomat?

This question is now getting even harder to answer.. to be honest, from the very bottom of my heart I would answer "capital YES", but, you wouldn't see me as excited as I used to! huhu.. since our government has made decision not to accept new civil servant this year, and may be until 2013, due to over-budgeting and efficiency, that's why I have to conduct the plan B!! yes, I don't wanna wait until 2013 by doing nothing, right?! I have to be more realistic too.
So, now, I am accepted in an international bank, and will start to work this month, the thing is, what if I finally enjoy my job there, and I decide not to continue dreaming to be a diplomat?! ahhh.. everything that I've been doing to reach that dream will end up like a waste. hmmm.. actually not that waste, I believe that nothing is in vain! everything has its own value, and it's worth struggling for what you've been dreaming of! yes, it is! My knowledge about international economics, would be very useful as a basic to start my banker job, well, may be it's not as specific as Economics student, but, hey, I know what is inflation, deflation, I know a little about export, import, tax, and so on, I know about supply and demand analysis, and stuff.. but yeah, as I told you before, not as specific as economics student.
Back to the question, if you ask me now, then there will be a big question mark on my mind, do I still want it?! can I!? of course I have to believe in my self, if I don't then who will?! so, while waiting until 2013, I can learn more, more, and more, about international current events, pay more attention to my surrounding, learn English and French again, and beneath it all, keep praying, keep believing, keep in faith!! yes! I CAN!